为庆祝 3 月 8 日国际妇女节,ACPB 理事会诚挚邀请您参加 2025年协会主办的首场线上会议——“智慧赋能,成长无界——人工智能与个人发展线上分享会”。本次会议将围绕人工智能、个人成长与职业发展等主题展开,并特别邀请三位杰出的女性讲者,她们将分享专业见解与个人经验,为您带来启发与思考。

日期: 2025 年 3 月 9 日
时间: 14:30 – 17:00 (CET)
形式: 线上会议
(会议密码当天在ACPB会员群里另行通知;非ACPB 会员,需经此链接报名确认:acpb.be/9mar25)
讲者介绍 & 演讲概要 | Speaker Biographies & Talk Summaries
1. 李诗吟(Lisy Li)
讲者简介 | Biography:
李诗吟是布鲁塞尔自由大学(VUB)博士生,研究方向聚焦于人工智能在教育教学中的应用。目前,她在 AI 数据公司 Mindrift 担任 AI 训练师,并积极参与 AI 社区的各类活动。她的职业愿景是创办创新型学校,利用 AI 技术推动教育变革,促进教育公平与个性化学习 的发展。
Lisy Li is a PhD candidate at Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), specializing in AI applications in education and learning. She currently works as an AI trainer at Mindrift, actively engaging in various AI communities. Her professional aspiration is to establish innovative schools that leverage AI technology to drive educational transformation, equity, and personalized learning.
演讲概要 | Talk Summaries:
- AI是什么?从逻辑到历史的关键认知。
What is AI? Essential insights of AI development. - AI有什么?日常生活中的“隐形AI”。
Where is AI? Unveiling the “invisible AI” shaping our daily lives. - AI怎么用?提升效率的“AI对话术”。
How to Use AI? Mastering AI-powered communication. - AI双刃剑? AI风险认知与智能时代。
The Double-Edged Sword of AI? Understanding risks and navigating the intelligent era.
2. 陈安琪(Angelina Chan)
讲者简介 | Biography:
陈安琪是比利时布鲁塞尔大区议会议员,拥有 20 年 Schaerbeek 市政议员经验,一直致力于提升政府治理效能、优化税收政策与改善市民生活品质。她毕业于布鲁塞尔自由大学(ULB),拥有计算机科学学士及劳动科学硕士学位。除公共事务外,她还是 两位女儿的母亲,成功平衡事业与家庭。
Angelina Chan is a Brussels MP, having served as a Schaerbeek municipal councilor for 20 years. She is committed to improving government efficiency, tax policies, and citizens’ quality of life. She holds degrees in Computer Science and Labor Sciences from ULB. Beyond politics, she is a mother of two daughters, balancing her professional and family life.
演讲概要 | Talk Summaries:
- My journey into politics wasn’t planned: 讲述如何从一个普通家庭走上政治道路。
- Lessons from my journey: 分享从个人经历中汲取的宝贵经验。
- My advice for growth and personal development: 提供关于成长与个人发展的建议。
3. 李哲(Lisa Li)
讲者简介 | Biography:
李哲是国际教练联盟(ICF)认证的人生与高管教练,专注于 认知科学与个人成长,帮助人们突破自我,实现成长。她曾在 中国及欧洲金融机构 担任 高级经理与团队领导,积累了丰富的 跨文化职场经验。同时,她是一位 近 20 年婚姻生活的妻子 和 中欧混血青少年的母亲,对亲密关系、婚姻挑战及亲子教育有深入理解。
Mrs. Lisa Li has held senior management and leadership positions at renowned financial institutions in both China and Europe, gaining extensive cross-cultural experience in the corporate world.
As a wife of nearly 20 years, the mother of a Chinese-European teenage child, and an executive coach, Lisa has deep insights into navigating relationships, overcoming marital and parenting challenges. As a life and executive coach, Lisa empowers you to where you truly want to be, via her deep listening, insightful questions, and empathetic feedback.
演讲概要 | Talk Summaries:
- 你是否渴望自己的想法和感受可以获得理解和认可?
- 你是否希望成功高效地应对工作和生活中的挑战?
- 你是否想改善伴侣或亲子关系,让家庭生活更和谐美满?
- 你是否想挖掘自身潜力,实现重要的人生目标?
- 面对两难困境,你是否期望做出正确的选择?