
为借助中欧建交40周年契机,深化中欧和平、增长、改革、文明四大伙伴关系,进一步夯实中欧友好民意基础,驻欧盟使团策划的“中国精彩无限”(ChinaUnlimited)有奖征集活动正式启动。征集活动由使团与欧洲学院、英国兰卡斯特大学孔子学院、阿特拉斯国际文化传播公司合作举办,以“我眼中的中国和中欧伙伴”为主题,面向欧盟所有成员国公民征集文章、照片、绘画、视频作品。征集活动开设了专门网站(www.chinaunlimited.eu),即时发布展示各类作品,并通过网络投票、分享等方式与公众互动。活动还在新华网等中国新闻门户网站,《欧洲议会》杂志、《欧盟观察》、《针砭欧洲》等欧盟专业媒体网站设立专题。驻欧盟使团团长杨燕怡大使、欧委会教文委员Tibor Navracsics及比利时副首相兼外交部长Didier Reynders担任活动大评审团主席,欧洲议会青年议员艾娃·博诺娃担任征集活动形象大使,通过其博客及社交媒体账户推广活动。征集时间截至7月31日,将参考网络投票情况评选出12-15名优胜者。驻欧盟使团还将与海航、华为等中资企业和国内有关部门合作,安排优胜者赴中国参访。


China Unlimited creative contest: http://chinaunlimited.eu/

The Mission of China to the EU, in collaboration with the College of Europe, Lancaster University and Atlas International Culture, announced the launch of a creative contest to mark 40 years of diplomatic relations between China and the EU.

Through the “China Unlimited” contest, which will run until 31 July, the Mission warmly encourages all EU citizens to engage in China-EU friendly exchanges.

“The 40th anniversary of China-EU diplomatic ties celebrated this year is a valuable opportunity to look to the future and deepen our cooperation, which also means developing our cultural understanding”, said Ambassador Yang Yanyi. Indeed, to celebrate the symbolic anniversary Brussels will be buzzing with China-related events in the coming months, including qi gong workshops, a Chinese film festival and a table tennis competition.

The China Unlimited contest aims to open up a conversation with European citizens to see how they perceive China and view the future of China-EU relations. Participation is open to people from across Europe, with no age limits and free interpretation of the topic. This is exactly what “China Unlimited” means: it could mean anything for anyone with an interest in China. Participants can join the contest in all of the four different categories – Essay, photo, video, fine art.

All selected entries to the competition will be published on the China Unlimited website, where viewers will be able to vote for their favourite pieces and decide on the shortlist for the big prize. The final selection will be made by a panel of high-level judges, and the winners announced at a high-profile event in Brussels in September.