9 Belgian Hospitals Got Donated 2000 Goggles From Wuhan Via ACPB

by ACPB Board on 28/03/2020

On Monday, March 23, 2020, ten cartons containing 2000 pieces of CE certified medical goggles arrived at Brussels Airport. They were sent directly from the factory in Zhejiang, China, and donated by Mr. Wang Xiaobo, Director of Wuhan KangmaoHengke Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd., Wuhan, Hubei. A spontaneous action from a citizen of Wuhan, who had seen how the whole world had helped and supported Wuhan in the past difficult months. Wuhan now wants to express its gratitude to the world and support the fighting against Covid‐19 worldwide.

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(Mr. Wang Xiaobo)

While in a difficult time of quarantine in Belgium, Mr. Xu Zhian, Chairman of ACPB, picked up the goods after their arrival and visited seven Belgian hospitals within 3 days to convey all the donated goggles from Wuhan to medical staff who are in the most need in fighting against Covid‐19 in Belgium.

Let’s take a look back of what happened in this “fast & furious delivery action”, how these 2000 pieces of medical goggles were handed over to 9 hospitals with different locations on a national scale in Belgium:

On March 23, 400 piece of goggles were donated to the AZ Maria Middelares Hospital in Ghent, who gratefully accepted as they had experienced a shortage while they continue to wait for new orders to arrive.

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On the same day, together with Mrs Huang Chong (Tina), Vice Chairman of Finance of ACPB, they donated 400 pieces of goggles to The Saint‐Luc University Hospital recommended by member of ACPB Ms. Zhang Guihua. Her son Dr. Li Xiang and other colleagues accepted the donations with grateful thanks. Dr. Li Xiang appreciated that the goggles are easy to clean and lightweight. With 973 inpatient beds, The Saint‐Luc University Hospital is one of the main hospitals for patients with Covid‐19 in Belgium.

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On March 24, Chairman Mr. Xu Zhi’An, with the accompany of member Xu Fang and others, visited UZA (University Hospital of Antwerp) to convey the donation of 200 goggles.  This gesture is sincerely welcome and greatly appreciated by UZA, as per the thank letter from Mrs Jullie Pieters, Supply Chain Coördinator from UZA.

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Secondly, thanks to the introduction of Mrs Jiao Mu (member of ACPB), Dr. Joan Vlayen, Dean of Sint‐Truiden Hospital in Limburg accepted with pleasure from Mr. Xu Zhi’An 200 pieces of goggles conveyed by ACPB.

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The next stop was the ULB French Affiliated Hospital of the Free University of Brussels, contacted by Professor Zhang Weihong, Vice Chairman of ACPB’s PR & Science and Technology. The hospital highly valued the generous donation from Wuhan.

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Another donation was given to ULN, an affiliated hospital of the Free University of Brussels, but in the Dutch‐speaking area.

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According to Mr. Liang Hanzhao (member of ACPB), Imelda  Hospital stands at the first line against Covid‐19 with its well‐equipped facilities and it has received the most amounts of critically ill patients of Covid‐19 since its outbreak. Dr. Tim Tollens from general and abdominal surgery department who guides the treatment of Covid-19 at Imelda Hospital thanked from heart that the 200 pairs of goggles sent by ACPB came timely and would be helpful for his crew to protect themselves better. We also came to know that the Chinese community supported and donated free & fresh meals to the medical staff.

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Mrs Shao Ming, Secretary General of ACPB delivered 100 pieces of medical goggles on March 25 to OLV van Lourdes Waregem Hospital in the West Flanders Province, together with Mrs Li Ying hong, member of ACPB.

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Last but not the least, the rest 100 pieces were handed over to Dr, PASCAL DE WAEGEMAEKER, MSc, Operational Coordinator of Infection Prevention from University Hospital of Gent | C. on March 26.

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So far, all the donated goods from Mr. Wang Xiaobo in Wuhan have been quickly, safely and accurately handed over to nine front‐line hospitals in Belgium.  Positive reaction and feedback were received from the donated hospitals who showed their gratitude and praise via Facebook, own website and/or emails. Also many members of ACPB posted these news at their Facebook pages and other social media’s.

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